We all love to paint our little figurines, but what to do when we reach a point where their storage becomes problematic and requires a master's degree in logistics?
The solution that I will present is simple, elegant and efficient, it allows both to ensure the safety of the miniatures but also to maximize the space during their storage while making transport very simple. We'll use, once more, the wonderful magnetic force to help us.
To carry out this project you will need:
Magnetic paint
A spray bottle of varnish
Double-sided tape (or glue)
Greenstuff (or glue)
A box in the size of your choice
A board the same size as your box
First of all, you can either, like me in this example, use magnetic paint or magnetic boards that some DIY stores sell. I decided to use the paint because I wanted to test it; this may not be the easiest solution, but it is the one I chose.
You have to really (really, really, really…) shake the paint pot well to avoid as much lumps as possible, as you can see here, the material forms a compact mass at the bottom of the pot. Once you arrive at a result that you feel is right; you just need to paint the wooden board. I have done this procedure 3 times to ensure that the magnets have enough grip on the bottom of the box.
How it looks after the first layer :
Once everything is dry (I let it dry for 24 hours to make sure everything is in order) just spray everything with varnish to ensure that the magnetic particles of the paint remain on the board and do not stick to the magnets.
After 3 layers and some varnish :
Then I just used some fairly strong double-sided tape to glue the board to the bottom of the box.
And now the box is ready !
All you have to do is take your figurines, put a piece of greenstuff below them and affix a magnet (be careful to put the polarity in the same direction each time). Let everything dry and you have figurines that hold together without any problem!
Hope this helps you and see you next time!